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Every Woman’s Rite – Connecting the world by
Honoring, Educating & Supporting Today’s Girls & Women.
Created to hold that sacred space for every woman to go within before going without!
Designed to give girls REAL information that instills confidence for the journey into womanhood.
Started in 2017, after a lifetime of studying beloved students and their pre & adolescent patterns, our founder Andrea Nerva, wanted to stop talking about a better world for our kids and start creating it!
She began a pilot program with 2 groups of girls, aged 10- 14 and 15- 19, who wanted more, and knew something was missing in their education.
It was immediately apparent that to really help girls of any age find a clear path through life’s dramas, anxieties and ups & downs, they must be shown ways to reconnect with their
inner intelligence / inner guide / inner wisdom / higher self.
When we remember that we have the power to choose our thoughts, and have the strategies to help, we can change our experiences!
Andrea created Every Woman’s Rite to acknowledge today’s teen journey and to nurture young girls with strategies to give them a happier and more purposeful experience. Through our uniquely transformative workshops and retreats we celebrate this Rite of Passage. We share critical information, strategies and guidance that help her reconnect her outer experiences with her inner wisdom.
The outcome? She begins the process of creating a life that she loves… on purpose!
Today, Every Woman’s Rite focuses on girls’ relationships to themselves alongside the mother-daughter relationship.
The workshops are predominantly for girls, concluding with a mother daughter communication session.
For deeper, more connected and transformative work, the 5 day retreat celebrates the Rite of Passage for both mother and daughter.
The effect? Transformed relationships, JOY, relief, awareness and growth for girls, for mums, their families and communities.
This is sacred joyous work. It’s well worth the effort.
The benefits far outweigh the energy that it takes to step outside of the square!
Unexplainable magic occurs when women come together with the purpose of supporting each other. Coming together is incredibly, faster and a far more potent reward than anything we can do by ourselves.
So let’s share the wisdom of sacred women’s business and activate a future in which girls are balanced, happy and confident because they know thy self and know their creative power.
Let’s find the support and give our girls the gift of being connected in a world of fear, anxiety and disconnection.
‘Whenever 2 or more …. ” JC